Turkey day was awesome. Andrew and I woke up early and met in Akron, Oh to run a local 4 mile Turkey Trot called Run for the Homeless off the W. Exhcange street. I heard it was a hilly course but I slightly underestimated it as we ran through Glendale cemetery.
The day before, Wednesday, I did some short interval training and did not plan to race the Turkey Trot but to run it semi hard. I have not run an all-out mile in a while so I didn't that would be my challenge for the day then make off to pace and run 7min clips. At the starting line, the start took my by surprise but after a 30 seconds of chaos trying to make a tight left turn, I got into a rhythm and my goal was a sub-6 min mile at the One Mile mark.
I locked int0 4 other women running directly in front of me and told myself to stay with them for a few more minutes. The mile mark came and I ran a 5:50mi. That all was I was trying to accomplish and have fun with the hills ahead. I was in 21th woman to finish though the results do not even have me finishing. Great isn't it? I ran roughly a 26:30 for the day. Third/Fourth in my age group. (Debatable because my data was not registered) Oh well.
That really doesn't matter though. It was about coming out, running for a great cause, having fun and burning off of calories for a post Thanksgiving Day meal. Andrew had a great race too. His friends Jen, Mike, and his brother came out for the Turkey Day run and did awesome. It's only a matter of time before Andrew can out run me.
Attached is a video clip of the finish! Enjoy
This week. I plan to stop eating every hour and try working out since well Thursday was the last time I did anything physical.
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving : )