Sunday-Rest Day
Monday-AM-25mi ride in CVNP
PM-Strength conditioning/lifting/boxing (2hrs)
PM-Easy 20mi ride in Sville (bumped by car)
Tuesday-Early PM-90min-boxing/lifting-back, chest, shoulders, core strength
PM-15mi bike ride with GGR @ B.A.
Wednesday-Noon-Gym-30min boxing/20min bicep-tricep/30 core strength
Thursday-Gym 1 hr-high intensity w/ power lifting, boxing, core/strength n some plyometrics
Friday- Hiked 4.5miles-lifting/moving (loading up shit to move)
Saturday-Move in Day AND Race volunteering for Burning River 100 (est. 6mi)
Sunday- MTB @ West Branch
-Check out this upcoming month's issue of Ohio Sport & Fitness! Grunt Girl Racing is featured!!
-I got bumped by a car on Tuesday
-I "jogged" 400ft on WED. No lie, yeah I know its pathetic. Its just bad-but a start
-I moved back to wonderful KENT on Saturday!!
-I am working on organizing a cross/mtb clinic late Sept for hopefully at Reagan Park in Medina. Stay tuned for more details...
I was want to say AMAZING JOB to the runners who participated in the Burning River 100 Miler. It was a pleasure to volunteer and assist and I'll be back next year! I met some awesome people-crewing, volunteers, and of course the runners as well. I even went out and paced #322-Jason on the 4.7mi loop trail at the covered bridge station.
I had arrived at about 9pm so when 6:30am came around, I was more than ready to call it a night!
***I plan to race in a road marathon this fall. Which one? Depends on what isn't closed out after Sept 12... I will wait till after the half-ironman to make sure I'm still alive before signing up
Grunt Girl Fight Club-
Oh its gonna happen, just wait. I started to hit the bag again-my arms have never felt so sore-ive open up my knuckles-all is good.