It was a crazy, I mean crazy week. Tuesday evening, a deer hit my car. I saw deer 1, but deer 2 found my drivers side door and back door, then my trunk, bike, rack, and cross bike. So I had what appears to be my fifth concussion, hyper-extended my thumb, and an awesome glass shower. I got lucky for sure.
Anyway, now I have a true BEATER car. White sunfire is now rocking a dark green car-I think I am going to start spray painting it soon...
I wouldn't be myself if I didn't do something stupid this weekend. I felt like something was still off-I wasn't able to ride or workout all week. So Sunday morning I decided to race the West Branch Mini Enduro Race. Props to Clark who had an awesome race, and thanks for the spare tube. I'm smart and showed up with no extras so I borrowed one. I swear it was lucky because I took first place in Women's Novice.
If your gonna yell at me at racing women's novice-hold up. This was only my 10th-count it-10th time on the MTB ever. Give me a break. I'm still learning. I'll move up soon and at the beginning of next season. That's my peace.
I leave you with this:
Remember the Number #1: Don't Die
Don't take things for granted and be thankful because you don't know what you have till it's gone.
RIP-bike rack, drivers side back door, and the trunk is on life support.