Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The hunt for 19,000

Alright so as I should have been studying in the past few days I've tallied up my mileage to date since January 1st...
Road miles-10,184~
Trainer/Spin miles-8,245~ + 65miles

Total = 18,494

19,000-18,494 leaves 506 miles to go in 23 days.

If I teach a 1hr long spin, I generally consider it as 15mile workout factoring in the warm-up/cool-down..*I was asked after my last post. I try to factor in HR zone with precieved effort as the real indicator.

It's funny how something so small helps to motivate-

Mon Dec 5: evening spin class/light strength workout
Tue  Dec 6: SBR spin workout class
Wed Dec 7: taught 3 spin classes.
...Thursday is a rest day

Long rides planned for Saturday and Sunday. Get ahold of me if you wanna join.
4-6 hours at a chill pace