I got to visit my buddy Tracy B. who has been my sports med-orthopaedic to-go guy since I was around 10-11 years old when I first injured my knee playing soccer.
Its been awhile since I had to visit him at least. Diagnosis overall is so-so.
I strained basically every tendon in both feet along w/ sprained ankles, bruised left knee, and strained left hamstring. I got some cool walking shoes that would be popular with the nursing home peeps. It was either that or walking casts aka air casts.
Tried to mtb in Medina today but there was too much rain (I should not be on a mtb anyway). So I went to the gym. It was close early due to Strongsville parade/carnival-festival. That was it-I had to do something, some kind of workout just to keep sane. The three day mark I was going to kill me.
I ended up doing a 1hr threshold ride to let to blow off some steam. My legs felt fresh and I ended up riding a harder effort than Ive ridden maybe since I came back from CO. And yes, I Iced soon afterward my ride.
Tomorrow Im hoping I am good for an easy ride with GGR and ABC. It should be alot of fun!!