That's it folks : /
I am soooo un-motivated...for school. I am just starting three full lab write-ups for ex test..RIGHT Now.
Bam! due by 11am-Good thing its my only class tomorrow!
Monday- SPIN Class, Lifting-Chest & Back, GWS Yoga
Tuesday- Night run-19:33 5k, power lifing-(Shoulders, Triceps, Biceps), 21:17 5k
Wednesday-Cross Practice at Edgewater-Heavy Legs
Thursday workout is looking like an afternoon ride at West Branch, quick 2-3mi run, and some strength work before the Girl With Sole-Wine for the Sole Benefit from 6-9pm!! It was for a great cause so come out and join!!
I gotta say I AM SOOO EXCITED for UCI 3 Cross Next Weekend!!
No More Procrastination! I just downed a Venti Chai Latte from the lovely starbucks down the street and now its time to DO WORK-