Finished up the 331 Racing NEO Power Series as Female novice. I had a so-so race, taking second place. However I finished first overall win for the series. It the award ceremony might have been the longest thing ever but it was worth it. I picked the Kona front suspension MTB as my prize! Not like I need another bike but I was so excited!!!
Embarrassing moment of the day: I was trying to take it relatively easy during the race because of the cross race Sunday. I was so thirsty I basically attempted to drink my whole water bottle and well i am stupid and threw down a nice superman. Over the handle bars-I feel like my knees took most of it.
...Monday is a RECOVERY DAY.
Went out for the CRC Solon Cross Race. Awesome cross course-at least I enjoyed it, there's always gonna be mixed feelings about that. Had fun and I feel like I suck a little less at cross every weekend! I think I took 7th on the day. Not quite sure...
Next Weekend:
Just one race. I am beating myself up too much. Elyria cross race-lookin' forward to it.
Good job to everyone this weekend! From the trail runners at Oil Creek, road racers at Columbus, and Vulture's Knob and Solon Cross Race!