Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Push It To The Limit Yo

Interclub Social, First Century Ride this Upcoming Weekend, Midterms-The mid-semester buzz kill.
Interclub-Social Event: Mark your calendars! March 4
If you were 'on the fence' about attending-here is why to go.
1) If you are like me, your social life went downhill as winter came and races slowed almost to a stop. Come off the bike trainer in your dark basement. It is okay to socialize you don't need to be on a training ride or run to talk to people...
2) There is an activity taking place. Um-Bowling?  Maybe you can count it as cross training to count for a workout.
3) If you have not heard of Girls With Sole-take some time and visit I am a supporter of Liz Ferro and the organization. Liz is an amazing women who founded the organization that brings fitness and wellness programs to girls who need them most right here in Cleveland. If you are looking for a great 5k to support-check out the Lulu 5k on June 5. This race benefits Girls With Sole. Liz-you are a rockstar. keep on keeping on!
4) I will be there! exciting right? Hah. Okay so maybe three really great reasons to attend the interclub social event.
It is asked for attendees to donate a few bucks towards GWS and consider it admission.

First Century Ride this Upcoming Weekend
Yes-I know you are thinking this is a typo but I really do have my first century (I've done a few 80+mile and 2-90mile rides so far) this weekend. Saturday I will be bringing the pain-I am praying the roads will be in good enough shape for an outdoor ride. If not-the bloody trainer it is. Saturday afternoon I am helping a friend move so I'll be sleeping well Saturday night.
Recovering ride planned for Sunday-

Midterms-The mid-semester buzz kill
Last week with classes was crazy with my hard drive crashing. This week-midterms are my enemy. I have a short answer essay tomorrow I am ready for it but....I should study more. But I find myself..writing my blog. I do not like big majors exams that decide my whole fate for a course. So I choose to ignore it the night before..Kinda. My review will start at 11:30pm. Such a life of a Kollege Sutdnet.

Positive side! NEXT WEEK I have lots of extra time for training! Yay!
Run on. Ride on.