Thursday, April 21, 2011Shifting Gears and Saving Lives Fundraising Event
Next Thursday, April 28 at Twinsburg Panini's from 8pm-12am Team H2Ope will be hosting our Shifting Gears and Saving Lives fundraising event!
$10 tickets pre-sale or at the door includes all-you-can-eat!
The 50/50 raffle that be will announced around 9:30-10pm.
A series of Chinese raffles will be taking place too! Here are some teasers...
(1) Barrel of Booze Barrel: over 150 dollars in liquor, beer, wine, and wine coolers! That's enough to go on a full week binge for you and all of your closest friends!
(2) Dinner at Blue Canyon Basket: Treat yourself well with some dine and wine!
(3) The College Package: AKA cheese whiz, ramen noodles, reddy whip, and some other awesome college/junk food necessities!
(4) Lotto ticket Package! Who doesn't love the chance to win the lottery?!?!?
(5) "Best Friends" Basket: My dogs are my kids..why not try to win them something special
(6) Children's Book Basket: perfect your the beginner reader in your life!
(7) Handy Dandy Basket: Perfect for the handy man in tools and more tools!!
(8) Uptown Girl Basket: Every girl needs a purse, hair styled, and nails done..
(9) Chiropractor Basket: Need your back cracked? Come on out and try to win a gift card for the best of the best here in Cleveland!
(10) Biker Dude Basket: Wanna represent Mellow Johnny's and work on those tan lines? Well we have you covered-Mellow Johnny's wool sweater and a tanning gift certificate
(11) Biker Chick Basket: Rock on a Pearl Izumi tri top, Fleet Feet Gift card, and other fun items!
(12) Food on the Go Basket: Do you like quick meals? Try win our Dairy Queen, Pizza, and sub basket!
THAT'S NOT IT.....More to come-but first our auction bidding items! These will take place just after the Chinese Raffle approx. 9:45pm
(1) Toronto Blue Jays Package: Are you a baseball and are looking for a fun weekend getaway to Canada?! Then raise your hand to bid
(2) Russian Standard Vovka: Do you want a chance to taste the best of the BEST RUSSIAN VOVKA that CANNOT be imported?? Here's your chance..and you thought Grey Goose was good.
(3)CAVS FANS EVERYWHERE: A 2010-2011 Cavs Team Autographed BASKETBALL-put those hands up and bid!
More teasers to come! It will be a great event as School Girl Crush takes the stage. Come out and support and great cause : ) Sara