So I've been asked to go back to posting up my workouts. So here it is!
21 Thurs: LB lifting + strength training, CTCR Easter Egg Run-followed by 3-all out sprint with Lee to test the legs
22 Fri: UB lifting, Openers on the bike
23 Sat: warm-up, RATL, cool down + Hudson road ride + CVNP riding + towpath MTB = ~90miles
24 Sun: 105mi on the trainer-started at 3:50am I guess..It helps not sleeping sometimes. Impromptu yoga in the afternoon
25 Mon: 2hrs-UB lifting/strength training, fast 2mile run in search of the running club..I showed up late!
26 Tues: SBR Ride+Workout spin session
(Today) 27 Wed: 1hr quick ride, mixed UB + LB lifting, 6pm run club workout
This Saturday is Calvin's Challenge in Springfield, Ohio. I am anxious to get going.